Our Mission
To connect communities with their government representatives at every level of government based on a user's location. We have many exciting features we'll be releasing. Our goal with Votedash is to promote simplified, quality civic engagement all in an easy to use Dashboard.

Location Assist
You can either use your current location or manually enter your address in the search bar. The results are based on the political geography of your address. This address indicates where you are eligible to vote and who represents you.
The Representatives
The resulting query will provide you with your representatives at many levels of government, feel free to select any of them for even more information on each one. In addition, you can check out information on how to register to vote in your state, this feature will automatically default to your current state. Most states will allow you to register online from the comfort of your home. Lastly, you can store these representative results for fast and easy access in the future. The information will also automatically update if there are any changes in office.
Getting In Touch
For every representative result, the query will provide as much information as possible. This is for every representative at several levels of government over the entire country.
The information returned will allow several methods to get in touch with your representatives. You'll be provided with their direct website and available social media accounts. You can even make phone calls directly to their office right from the app! Feel free to even send a hand written letter to their mailing address. Any form of communication can make an impact on getting the constituent message heard.
Election Hub
the new "Election Hub" is going to provide you with information for upcoming elections! First and foremost, the name and date of the next available election. Our "Contested Elections" feature will provide potential candidates and referendums involved. You can even find out where to cast your vote using the "Polling Location" feature. If your district allows it, you may even have early voting sites available to beat the lines, find out using the "Early Voting" feature.
Contested Elections
All over the country, elections are happening at different levels of government. Using your registered address, you can find out which one's apply to you. The "Contested Elections" feature will provide the contests you will be able to vote on in your next election. Inside each contest will be the candidates involved and any available information we can provide for each candidate. You can also check out available information on referendums and propositions that are available for you to vote on within this feature.
Polling Location
Ok, so now you're well informed about who to vote for and when, but what about where? With the all new "Polling Locations" feature, you'll be provided with your nearest polling location based on your the registered address. You can find out the name of the location, hours of operation and additional information. The best part? You can open up the polling location into Apple Maps to get directions set up from your location in seconds right from the app!
Early Voting Location
Love taking care of your "To-Do" list early? Hate Lines? Unavailable on your next election day? You can now use the "Early Voting Sites" feature to show you any available early voting sites. Much like the "Polling Location" feature, you'll get the site name, hours of operation, additional details and the "Open In Maps" feature to set up directions in seconds! Please note, this feature is only available where early voting is allowed, this does not apply to all districts or elections.